Okinawan roots of Taido camp 2024
Okinawan roots of Taido with sensei Ulf Karlsson
Welcome to learn more of the Okinawan roots of Taido with sensei Ulf Karlsson! On this page you can find additional material on the camps as well as information on arrangements. The camps will be organised in English and their is an age minimun of 15 years.
We have not set an exact schedule for the camps (yet) but there will be a lunch break at some point during the day. The lunch is not included but there are plenty of restaurants nearby. You can also bring your own food as well allthough there are no kitchen fasilities available.
Note! Due to flight schedules, we needed to shorten the Sunday Taido camp slightly: It is now between 10-16 (was: 10-17)
The enrollment for the camps is now closed, there are about 30 people coming!
KishimotoDi camp
24.8.2024 10-17 Porthania, Helsinki
KishimotoDi, also known as Kishimoto-Te, or
Kishimoto-Ha karate, is a rare system of Suidi
(Shuri-Te), which is currently taught at the
Bugeikan dojo on Okinawa, Japan, which
also teaches Motobu Udundi and Hanashiro
Chomo Shorin-Ryu. It was handed down to
the Higa family by Kishimoto Soko, who
learned from “Bushi” Tachimura–a contemporary
of the famous “Bushi” Matsumura Sokon,
and fellow student of “Tode” Sakugawa Kanga.
Kishimoto Soko had only 9 students in his life.
One of them was Seiken Shukumine, the founder
of Taido.
On the Kishimoto day we will look at Kusanku
kata and applications. The Kusanku kata will also
serve as a basis for the Taido camp.
Outside of Okinawa, the foremost instructor of
KishimotoDi is Ulf Karlsson, Shihan,
who is the first person to ever be granted
a Shihan License in the art by Higa Kiyohiko,
the head of the Bugeikan.
Taido camp
25.8.2024 10-16 Porthania, Helsinki
Taido, the way of mind and body, is
known for its versatile use of body and
movement, but it has its roots in
Okinawan karate.
In this camp, we will investigate the
very fundamentals of Taido: stances,
steps, roots of techniques etc.
We will look into the technical content
related to Kusanku kata, such as kamae,
tachi, sengi, ungi etc. The goal is to under-
stand the basis for Taido when looking at
Kusanku as historical and technical
Ulf Karlsson, 6.dan kyoshi, has been
training and teaching Taido for over 30
years. He has taught Taido in several
countries. He has been a member of the
Swedish national Taido team for several
years both as a competitor and as a coach.
Saturday 24.8.2024 KishimotoDi 30 € (max 40 participants)
Sunday 25.8.2024 Okinawan roots of Taido 30 € (max 40 participants)
Both days package deal 50 €
Enrollments via SuomiSport by 18.8.2024 at the latest:
Get to know KishimotoDi
Some KishimotoDi history in an article by Noah Legel